Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Be Willing to Consider "Change"

Foundation scripture
He said to them, "You are the ones who declare yourselves just and upright before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted and highly thought of among men is detestable and abhorrent (an abomination) in the sight of God. "
Luke 16:15 (Amplified)

Man is always and forever making his plans, and endeavoring to step out into new realms of adventure, only to later find out that he left something behind ... something he is going to need desperately on this trip through life.

For you see, the callings of God and the plan of God for a man, are hidden mysteries that can only be revealed by the Holy Spirit of God. Why? Because these plans "come from" the Holy Spirit!

Assignment: EARTH
The Holy Spirit is the "project manager" here in the Earth ... what I like to call "Assignment: EARTH". The Holy Spirit has been sent here, by God the Father Himself, to organize, to plan, and to orchestrate the completion of God's will here in the Earth! The Holy Spirit is the one with "The Plan"!

The Holy Spirit is the one Who knows God's ultimate master plan for each and every one of us, and if we shoot off without that direction, then we're just off doin' our own thing. Oh, it may seem to work, or it may not, but if it's not God's plan, untimately, after all the smoke and lights are gone, it is still just doing your own deal. And that's all it will ever be! There will be no heartfelt reward that you're doing something worthwhile. You'll never have that "peace" that gives you that inner witness that you're on-track with God, not until you make a change, a change in direction.

A Step Back Is Not Always A Bad Thing
A change in direction is often times necessary when you're serving God. A step back, or two, is not always a bad thing - not if it is God Who instructed you to do so. It's not that He changed "His" mind, but rather that "we" often times get "off track" from what God intended. The only pitfall in this is that we often are too proud to consider a backtrack.

There is nothing wrong with having to take a step back or two ... not if it means that we are going to move into being "exactly" on-track with God! It's not always a popular decision to backtrack. It affects our pride, sometimes our self-esteem, and even our comfort. And then there's always the "What will people think?" scenario! But then WHO are you here to serve? WHO are you here to please? If the backtrack is truly from God, you will have a peace about it. It will work for you ... there will be that settled spot inside of your spirit man. You'll just know it to be truely ... God.

An Example From Personal Experience
Recently, I had the Holy Spirit drop a thought into my mind that totally and completely surprised me! We were at a really, really nice apartment complex, viewing a model 2-bedroom apartment. A friend of ours was moving in there, in a month or so, and we were there to just check 'em out with her. They were nice - very nice! They had all the stuff my wife would want in a home's decor, already installed - presentation perfect.

All-of-a-sudden, I had this thought! "What if you sold your home, and moved in here? You would then be totally and completely debt free!" The thought rang a deep sense of peace in me that I have only known when I receive direction from the Spirit of God. I mentioned it to my wife, and to my surprise she was thinking the same thing! She too felt that same peace! (I thought for sure that she'd NEV-VER consider this!) This truly had to be God!

Suddenly, I could envision us living there. All the clutter we have here at the house had been gone through, eliminated, and necessities kept. We made job changes that eliminated the "work pressure" we'd experienced from our former jobs. When we took a vacation, or some time off, work wasn't piling up for us back at the office. When we were "off", we were actually "off", and could relax. There was peace. As all of these scenarios began to come to mind, I began to "see" with my spiritual eye the peace of mind that we would achieve, the elimination of pressure from debt, and the extra free time and opportunities for writing, for ministry, and for family time.

I haven't jumped on it yet ... there's a few things we need to do to get the house to where it would even be ready for sale, but I'm "open". I'm considering it. I'm "available", if that is what God truly wants to do! I am forcing myself to get to a place to where I can be willing and open to change ... changes that bring about the perfect will of God. WHY? Because I know that HE has "my" best interests at heart! HE has always looked out for me! And, with the loss of demand and pressure for finances, I would be able to seek the direction HE has been after me to go ... where ministry is concerned, where writing books is concerned, in giving more, and especially in family time!

What I want to point out is: You have to be ready for change so that when God wants to change, then you do not dig your heels in and stop the move of God in your life! Rather you will go with the flow of the Spirit!

Are things not working out for you today, like you thought they should be? Are YOUR finances, like so much of the world's, going through a "test" right now? These are tough times, and during these times you are only going to survive, financially, if you are willing and totally and completely ready ... to trust and follow GOD in His plan for you!

Scripture references
2 Corinthians 1:17-18, James 4:13-17, Acts 15:18, 1 Corinthians 1:19, and
Luke 16:15

Written by Richard A. Allcorn
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